KC Supervision, LLC


About Kristy Caceres, LCSW-C

About Kristy Caceres, LCSW-C


My background and training is primarily in child welfare, as well as in custody and family court. I hold a strong belief in the dignity of each person, and the right to self-determination. I make every attempt to treat each person without judgment and as a valuable part of the team, regardless of their background, history, belief system, life choices, or any other aspect of their life. I take a collaborative approach to engaging with families, and believe that each person’s voice and perspective is important to the process. 

When families are involved in the court process, there is often a feeling of frustration, being disempowered, being unfairly judged, anger at decision-makers, and other difficult emotions as part of the process. While it is not my role to help process those emotions or intervene in any decisions that have been made, I attempt to create relationships with people that help them engage in the process of supervised visits in a way that is a productive and constructive use of their time. My identified “client” in each case is the child or children involved, but it is my belief that by supporting and empowering their families, there can be a positive impact on the child or children’s safety and well-being.

I understand that there may be times of conflict or disagreement during this process. It’s my aim for those situations to provide learning and growth opportunities for the family/parent as well as the Supervisor so that visits can proceed in a safe way and so that the visiting parent and child can maintain continued connection as best they can. I am committed to talking and working through those conflicts, to develop a plan for moving forward with the work, if at all possible and safe. 

My Approach and values

The following are some specific tools I use with families to ensure the above values and intent are maximized:

Explain the Process

When and where at all possible I will prepare parties for what the process involves. 

Avoid Judgement

I am a neutral observer. When I give feedback, I will make every attempt to do so in a way that is constructive and provides opportunities for development. I will focus on both strengths and needs to give feedback on visits, with the aim of fostering successful visits.

Offer Choices

Where at all possible, parties are encouraged to make decisions that work for them and their child. Unless parenting decisions impact the child negatively during a visit, I respect the right of each parent to make decisions for their child within limits of court orders and state laws/policies.


My sincere desire is to ensure, first and foremost, a safe visit for the child and other parties. Second to that, my hope is to foster connections for the parent and child, help them have a productive visit, and be successful in this phase of their child access journey. 


If there is question about how I came to decisions I make at any time in the process of supervised visitation, I will make every attempt to explain the critical thinking involved in that decision.